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Author Boldt, Arnold G.
Title No-nonsense job interviews : how to impress prospective employers and ace any interview / Arnold G. Boldt
Publisher/Year New Jersey: Career Press, 2008
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Author Fry, Ronald W
Title Ask the right questions : hire the best people / Ronald W. Fry
Publisher/Year Franklin Lakes, NJ : Career Press, 2006
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Author Fry, Ronald W
Title Last minute term papers [e-book] / Ron Fry
Publisher/Year Franklin Lakes, NJ : Career Press, 2002
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Author Weir, William
Title 50 battles that changed the world : the conflicts that most influenced the course of history / William Weir
Publisher/Year franklin Lake, NJ : Career Press, 2001
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Author Fry, Ron
Title Your first resume : for students and anyone preparing to enter today's job market / Ron Fry
Publisher/Year Franklin Lakes, NJ : Career Press, 2001
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