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You searched Library Catalogue - Author: Tan, Emeline Mei Ling
Call Number (WOU) SP CEMBA 2011 79
Author Cheong, Sai Hoong
Title The study of customer perception and acceptance of traditional Chinese medicine in Johor Bahru/ Cheong Sai Hoong
Abstract This study is to explore the customer perception and acceptance of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Johor Bahru, whereby the writer intends to conduct a study over customer perception and acceptance level of TCM, based on consumer purchasing decision process. The objectives of the study were to gather the relevant the information and make a deduction from the survey to strengthen the understanding of consumer decision making process and its influencing factors such as demographics and behavioral variables on the consumer motivation, perceptions, acceptance, lifestyle and knowledge in the usage of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The results were analyzed based on the 5 segments of the study which include the extend of TCM usage, reasons of TCM usage, pattern of usage, perceptions and acceptance level of TCM as well as knowledge and influencing factor in the purchasing process. The result showed that TCM still play and has its relevancy in today's consumers' daily life. Not only TCM not going to be a sunset industry as yet but its popularity among the younger generation has gained momentum thanks to the level of knowledge and awareness, better perception and acceptance level. one of the most important sections of the study was that TCM is not limited to the older generation but in fact, with higher education level, greater awareness and knowledge in TCM, the acceptance of TCM is rather high compared to the earlier perception that TCM is a "sunset industry". The finding further strengthen the fact that the sales growth in the least 5 to 10 years is due to the higher acceptance level of TCM and the perception that TCM is more natural and gentler compared to western medicine. This shift in the perception and acceptance level has re-defined the positioning of TCM in today's market. Another interesting finds from this study is that the younger generation believed TCM has lesser side effects, gentler and less toxic compared to conventional western medicine. It is very important for TCM manufactures to ensure that their product meet up to the customer's need and expectations especially in the area of effectiveness and efficiency without the side effects and toxicity level of western medicine in their formulations. The recommendation from the finding of this study includes higher public education and awareness activities on TCM instead of product oriented advertisement which is deemed as non-effective among the respondents. The finding of this study will put to good use for the TCM manufacturers on brand owners to develop marketing strategies to communicate and deliver product benefits and usage of TCM for a better understanding and awareness of the safety and effectiveness of TCM in the industry. In addition, the findings will be useful to define consumer specific needs in the level of usage and frequency for positioning new to meet these needs by administering the specific and effective research and development effort in bring the right usage of TCM to the market.
Notes Final project report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Business Administration (CeMBA)
Publisher/Year Penang : School of Business and Administration, Wawasan Open University, 2011
Physical Description 148 p.; 30 cm.
Subject Medicine, Chinese -- Malaysia
Subject Wawasan Open University -- Dissertations

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