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Author Kelly, David
Title Social Media : strategies to mastering your brand facebook, instagram, twitter and snapchat / David Kelly.
Publisher/Year @ 2016.
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Author Tuten, Tracy L.,
Title Social media marketing / Tracy L. Tuten and Michael R. Solomon
Publisher/Year Boston : Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2013
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Author Jansen, Jim
Title Understanding sponsored search [e-book] : core elements of keyword advertising / Jim Jansen
Publisher/Year Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2011
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Title Advertising, promotion, and new media / Marla R. Stafford and Ronald J. Faber (eds)
Publisher/Year New Delhi : Prentice-Hall of India, 2005
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Available At: Disted Main Library
Author Ellsworth, Jill H.
Title Marketing on the Internet: : multimedia strategies for the World Wide Web
Publisher/Year New York: John Wiley, 1995
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