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You searched Library Catalogue - Title: study on transformational leadership towards organization commitment of private sector employee in Penang. / Janice Loh Shiau Ting.
Call Number (WOU) SP CEMBA 2018 54
Author Tan, Khoon Soon
Title Deployment of DMAIC methodology for visual defect reduction in photovoltaics manufacturing in Malaysia. / Tan Khoon Soon.
Abstract This project reported the effectiveness of DMAIC and the improvement achieved from its methodology implementation, in meeting the objectives of this case study in a solar module manufacturing company in Kedah, Malaysia. It addressed a common defect known as White Marks that occurs in the CdTe Thin Film fabrication process. Due to the challenges of the processes, the defects are difficult to detect, multiple established solutions to the problem were provided to minimize the impact to the company and summarized the findings of the proliferation plan, the critical success factors discovered, and the model of implementing the DMAIC methodology in the company. The company was suffering of White Marks visual defect reject for a long period of time, various activities have been implemented throughout the years, but the internal final product return is still fluctuation in between 0.67%, unable to control and unique to one of the production lines. This case study will lead the highlight whether by implementing Six Sigma methodology really helps in improving and resolve the problem and what factors that leads to the successes or failure if not able to improve and resolve the problem after implemented the approach. The biggest challenge that faces by the CdTe thin film photovoltaic manufacturing company is the fact that the White Marks visual defect preliminary resulted from the front process, can only be discovered when the White Marks visual defect amplifies by the subsequent downstream processes with a visual sampling check frequency. In order to ensure the solar modules are sent to customers are free from the White Marks visual defects, the company was compelled to carry out an extra thorough 100% inspection after the downstream processes. At the end of the case study, the DMAIC methodology was successfully implemented, and multiple practical solutions were recommended. The study achieved its objective to meet the target of a total of 0.18% reduction in yield loss. After the solution’s methodology was implemented, the White Marks reject rate dropped to average 0.17% in October 2016 to January 2017 and 0.06% for the start of January 2017. This indicates that the company maintained a good control in monitoring and implementing the action plan.
Notes Final project report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Business Administration (CeMBA).
Publisher/Year Penang : School of Business and Administration, Wawasan Open University, 2018.
Subject Methodology -- Malaysia.

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