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You searched Library Catalogue - Publisher: Wawasan Open University,
Call Number (WOU) SP CEMBA 2018 18
Author Teo, Kim Beng
Title Customer retention in the after-sales of heavy machinery industry / Jason Teo Kim Beng.
Abstract The heavy machinery industry in Malaysia today has shift from the product focus to customer focus as the demand for heavy machinery equipment now relies heavily on customer satisfaction with their current service provider thus this research paper intent to study the determinant factors (technology advancement, after-sales support, loyalty program and response time) affecting customer satisfaction in the heavy machinery industry surrounding Klang valley region. Four suggested hypothesis were tested to analyze the relationship between the four factors against customer satisfaction which lead to customer retention where the assumption was made for the entire project paper that customer satisfaction will lead to customer retention. The study has revealed that three out of the four determinant factors has significant relationship against customer satisfaction which were technology advancement, after-sales support and loyalty program where after-sales support shows the highest significant correlation and evidence of the relationship. Response time review that it has no significant impact or any association against customer satisfaction however other finding review that response time has close relationship with technology advancement instead. The research paper ends with several recommendations for future research conduct to further minimize the error involved.
Notes Final project report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Business Administration (CeMBA).
Publisher/Year Penang : School of Business and Administration, Wawasan Open University, 2018.
Subject Machine industry -- Malaysia.

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