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Record 1 of 1
You searched Library Catalogue - Title: Feminisms in development contradictions, contestations and challenges / Andrea Cornwall, Elizabeth Harrison and Ann Whitehead (eds.)
Title Yearbook of science and the future
Imprint Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica Inc.,
Description v. ill. 29cm.
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Items 1 - 3 / 3
  Location Call Number Units Copy Barcode Status

1 Disted Main Library AE5 Y39 REF 1993 0 006629 Weeded
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2 Disted Main Library AE5 Y39 REF 1994 0 006628 Weeded
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3 Disted Main Library AE5 Y39 REF 1995 0 006630 Weeded
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WOU Main Library
RC Johor Bahru Library
RC Kuching Library
DISTED Main Library