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You searched Library Catalogue - Title: Geography of world economy
Call Number (WOU) SP CEMBA 2014 48
Author Ling, Robert Seng Kang
Title The dynamics and determinants of industry procurement network : an empirical exploration on Malaysia firms in the speciality chemical business environment / Robert Ling Seng Kang
Abstract The globalization of world international businesses has increased the competitiveness of the marketplace. Each organization will have to improve on its competitive advantage on products and services such as providing high-quality products with the most impressive cost advantage to stay ahead of competition. Procurement played key roles in assisting on any organization cost advantage program. Therefore, understanding of the procurement preferences of the buying centers for Malaysian firms in the Specialty Chemicals business environment are crucial. It will provide the best tools to understand the market needs and expectation of the market due to ever-increasing cost from research & development cost, advertising and promotional expenses, volatile worldwide raw materials prices are affecting each firm sales revenues and profitability. For that reason, the objective of this study is to identify the dominant procurement dimensions of that influenced procurement preferences of the Malaysian firms in the Specialty Chemicals industry. Five procurement dimensions are selected and suggested to study its relationships with procurement preferences. Quantitative Analysis with cross-sectional approach are applied on the research design. Data collection are collected through the self-administered questionnaire. A total of 36 respondents with diverse demographic profiles had contributed and responded to the study. Only two out of five procurement dimensions were foremost conclusive and influencing on procurement preferences with the highest significant and dominant to be The Power of Branding and followed closely by Quality Excellence. The study from its diverse demographic profiles has shown in-significance of its relationship or influence on the procurement preferences of the buying centers. The application of the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) model on this research study has brought a new research finding. It has concluded and has also correctly predicted after the regressed model to confirm that both the variable – The Power of Branding and Quality Excellence conformed structurally and statically proven as new variable. This finding provided a new variable which shall be known as “BRAND QUALITY” should future research can be conducted in future. The findings of this research study can be useful for different industries other than the Specialty Chemicals to understand the perception of the buying centers towards the industrial procurement preferences. In view of the current highly competitive marketplace, the findings of this research will also aid the new and existing marketers to revamp its strategies to improve its brand and quality positioning of its products and services for better business success.
Notes Final project report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Business Administration (CeMBA).
Publisher/Year Penang : School of Business and Administration, Wawasan Open University, 2014.
Subject Chemical industry

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