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Number Available: 1
Available At: Disted Main Library
Author Srilakshmi, B.
Title Nutrition science / B.Srilakshmi
Publisher/Year © 2016.
Extended Info Barnes & Noble
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Author Yau, See Yuan
Title Consumer preferences of different nutritional labels on restaurant menus / Yau See Yuan
Publisher/Year Penang : School of Business and Administration, Wawasan Open University, 2015.

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Number Available: 1
Available At: Disted Main Library
Author Bender, David A.
Title Nutrition : a very short introduction / David A. Bender.
Publisher/Year Oxford, United Kingdom : Oxford University Press, 2014.
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Number Available: 1
Available At: Disted Main Library
Author Persatuan Pengguna Pulau Pinang
Title Senaman sebagai ubat / panduan oleh Persatuan Pengguna Pulau Pinang.
Publisher/Year Pulau Pinang : Persatuan Pengguna Pulau Pinang, 2009.
Extended Info Barnes & Noble

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Author Chia, Joo Suan
Title You're what you eat - your healthy lifestyle guide : what you need to know what's in your food / Chia Joo Suan
Publisher/Year Subang Jaya : Pelanduk, 2006
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