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You searched Library Catalogue - Title: Thousand Oaks, California : Corwin, 2020
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Number Available: 1
Available At: HQ Library-General Collection
Author Vermaat, Misty E.
Title Discovering computers 2017 : tools, apps, devices, and the impact of technology/ Misty E. Vermaat, Susan L.Sebok, Steven M. Freund, Jennifer T. Campbell and Mark Frydenberg.
Publisher/Year Australia : Cengage Learning, 2017.
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Number Available: 4
Available At: HQ Library-General Collection, RCJB-General Collection, RCKC-General Collection
Author Wang, Paul S.
Title From computing to computational thinking / Paul S. Wang.
Publisher/Year Boca Raton, Florida : CRC Press, 2016.
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Number Available: 2
Available At: Disted Main Library
Author Vermaat, Misty E.
Title Discovering computers 2016 : tools, apps, devices and the impact of technology / Misty E. Vermaat, Susan L. Sebok, Steven M. Freund, Jennifer T. Campbell, Mark Frydenberg.
Publisher/Year Boston : Cengage Learning, 2016.
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Author Aarno, Daniel
Title Software and system development using virtual platforms : full-system simulation with Wind River Simics / Daniel Aarno and Jakob, Engblom.
Publisher/Year Waltham : Morgan Kaufmann, Elsevier, 2015.
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Number Available: 1
Available At: HQ Library-General Collection
Author Yew, Kwang Hooi
Title Computer science : for matriculation semester 1 / Yew Kwang Hooi and Low Tang Jung.
Publisher/Year Shah Alam, Selangor : Oxford Fajar, 2014.
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