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You searched Library Catalogue - Title: International heritage and historic building conservation saving the world’s past / Zeynep Aygen.
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Author Feldman, Robert S.
Title Child development / Robert S. Feldman
Publisher/Year Boston : Pearson, 2012
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Author Shaffer, David R.
Title Developmental psychology : childhood and adolescence / David Shaffer and Katherine Kipp
Publisher/Year Australia : Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2010
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Author McDevitt, Teresa M
Title Child development and education / Teresa M. McDevitt and Jeanne Ellis Ormrod
Publisher/Year Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Pearson Education International, 2010
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Title Constructing adulthood [e-book] : : agency and subjectivity in adolescence and adulthood / Ross Macmillan (ed.)
Publisher/Year Amsterdam ; Boston : Elsevier JAI, 2007
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Title A statistical snapshot of the 18 year old Malaysian adolescent / Fatimah Hashim and Lihanna Borhan (eds)
Publisher/Year Kuala Lumpur : Institut Sosial Malaysia, 2007

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