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You searched Library Catalogue - Publisher: Pan Books,
Call Number (WOU) SP CEMBA 2016 38
Author Ng, Chiew Leng
Title A case study on factors influencing teachers’ perception on school climate in Han Chiang High School, Penang. / Ng Chiew Leng.
Abstract School climate can be defined as the underground stream of norms, values, beliefs, traditions, and rituals that have built over times as people work together to solve problems and confront challenges. This set of informal expectations and values shape how people think, feel and act in schools (Peterson & Deal, 1998). School climate is stated as the single most important factor that determine the success of a school and its students (Gottfredson & Hollifield, 1988). It is the major factor in the lives of educators who teach, learn, and grow professionally in schools.Researchers have noted that a favourable school climate provides the structure within which students, teachers, administrators, and parents function cooperatively and constructively. Hoy and Miskel (1982) defined school climate as a school’s personality, and its importance has intrigued researchers for more than 50 years (Anderson, 1982). School climate was also found to be prominently linked to school effectiveness (Edmunds, 1982; Lezotte, 1990). Studies showed that school climate has been positively affect students’ academic achievement (Greenberg, 2004; Lee & Burkham, 1996; Roney, Coleman & Schlictin, 2007; Stewart, 2007), to influence a student’s behaviour such as discipline and conduct problems, as well as teachers’ decision to remain in schools (Brand, Felner, Shim, Seitsinger & Dumas, 2003; Byrk & Thum, 1989; Gottfredson, Gottfredson, Payne &Gottfredson, 2005; Loukas & Murphy, 2007).
Notes Final project report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Business Administration (CeMBA)
Publisher/Year Penang : School of Business and Administration, Wawasan Open University, 2016
Physical Description 1 online resource (128 pages) : illustrations, text file, PDF.
Subject School environment

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