You searched Library Catalogue - Title: Technical writing for engineers/ Vivian Yee Chiew Ling [and five others].
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1   Team roles at work
1   Teamwork as an enable of employee motivation a case study of the finance department in Steelcase Global Business Center (GBC) / Rooba Haridasan
1   Teamwork skills
1   TEC205/05 Information Systems Management course guide / Wawasan Open University (WOU)
1   TEC304/10 Electronic Commerce course guide / Wawasan Open University
1   TEC305/10 Website Design and Development course guide / Wawasan Open University
2   TEC305/10 Website Design and Development course guide / Wawasan Open University (WOU)
1   TEC315/05 Web design fundamentals course guide / Wawasan Open University (WOU)
1   TEC317/05 Web development & deployment (unit 1-5) course guide [electronic resource] / Wawasan Open University
1   Technical and vocational programmes through distance education / R. V. R. Chandrasekhara Rao (ed.)
1   Technical communication a guided approach / June Dostal and Deborah St. Vincent
1   Technical communication a reader-centered approach / Paul V. Anderson
1   Technical communication principles and practice / Raman Meenakshi and Sangeeta Sharma
1   Technical communication: problems and solutions
1   Technical communication strategies for today / Richard Johnson-Sheehan.

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