You searched Library Catalogue - Title: Organizational theory, design and change / Gareth R. Jones
Bib Hit Count Scan Term
1   Organizational marketing
1   Organizational perfomance: recent developments in measurement
1   Organizational policy and strategic management: text and cases
1   Organizational psychology
1   Organizational psychology: readings on human behavior in organizations
1   Organizational size, structure and efficiency: a test of a Blau-Hage Model
1   Organizational stress a review and critique of theory, research, and applications / Cary L. Cooper, Philip J. Dewe and Michael P. O'Driscoll
1   Organizational structure, environment and perfomance: the role of strategic choice
2   Organizational theory: a macro perspective for management
1   Organizational theory: a strategic approach
3   Organizational theory, design and change / Gareth R. Jones
1   Organizational theory, design, and change: text and cases
2   Organizational theory: text and cases
3   Organizational theory user perspective / John Murray; Neil Barnwell and Stephen P. Robbins
1   Organizations and management

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