You searched Library Catalogue - Title: Mathematical studies: trial exam 2007
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1   Mathematics a practical odyssey / David B. Johnson and Thomas A. Mowry
1   Mathematics: an applied approach
1   Mathematics: an everyday experience
1   Mathematics and computing with FORTRAN programming/ William S. Dorn and Herbert J. Greenberg.
1   Mathematics and statistics for business, management and finance
2   Mathematics and statistics series
1   Mathematics and Statistics series
1   Mathematics (Applied) 1883-1986: specimen solution to advanced level papers, Associated Examining Board
1   Mathematics essentials: SACE stage 1
1   Mathematics for Australia 12: Mathematical Methods / Michael Haese, Sandra Haese, and Mark Humphries.
1   Mathematics for Australia 12: Specialist Mathematics / Michael Haese, Sandra Haese, and Mark Humphries.
1   Mathematics for business and social sciences
1   Mathematics for business, economics and finance
1   Mathematics for chemists
1   Mathematics for computer students

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