You searched Library Catalogue - Title: International economics theory and policy / Paul R. Krugman and Maurice Obstfeld
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1   International conference on teaching-learning process in universities, held on 12-16 June 1979 at Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia / Universiti Sains malaysia
4   International corporate finance / Jeff Madura
1   International corporate finance / J. Ashok Robin
1   International corporate law [e-book] / Fiona Macmillan (ed.)
1   International corporate law annual
1   International corporate law annual Vol. 2 [e-book] / Fiona Macmillan (ed.)
1   International cuisine / Jeremy MacVeigh.
1   International cuisine & food production management / Parvinder S. Bali.
1   International destinations
1   International dictionary of management
1   International dimensions of contemporary business
1   International dimensions of marketing
1   International dimensions of organizational behavior / Nancy J. Adler and Allison Gundersen.
1   International economic organisations and the Third World
1   International economics / Dennis R. Appleyard , Alfred J. Field,Jr. and Steven L. Cobb

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