You searched Library Catalogue - Title: Consumer behaviour in Australia and New Zealand
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1   Consumer behavioral intentions towards food delivery service in Penang: a comparative study of Millennials and Gen X / Ang Eng Tatt.
10   Consumer behaviour
1   Consumer behaviour / by Leon Schiffman et al.
1   Consumer behaviour / Roger D. Blackwell ; Paul W. Miniard and James F. Engel, Adapted by Pai Di-ching; Norjaya Mohd Yasin and Wan Jooria Hood
1   Consumer behaviour / Wayne D. Hoyer, Deborah J. MacInnis.
1   Consumer behaviour / Martin Evans, Ahmad Jamal and Gordon Foxall
1   Consumer behaviour/ Lennora Putit, Kenny Teoh Guan Cheng and Amily Fikri.
1   Consumer behaviour: a European perspective
1   Consumer behaviour: a framework
1   Consumer behaviour: an applied approach
1   Consumer behaviour and managerial decision making
3   Consumer behaviour and marketing action
1   Consumer behaviour: behavioural aspects of marketing
1   Consumer behaviour: building marketing strategy
1   Consumer behaviour: building marketing strategy [CD-ROM]

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