You searched Library Catalogue - Title: cultural dimension of international business / Gary P. Ferraro
Bib Hit Count Scan Term
1   Impact of employer branding practices on employee retention / Chelvam a/l Rengasamy
1   Effectiveness of the reporting structure in a matrix organization a case study of Vision Care (VC) company / Kok Chee Wee
1   Cuisine and culture : a history of food and people / Linda Civitello.
1   Culinary delights / Tourism Malaysia.
1   Cultural anthropology a perspective on the human condition / Emily A. Schultz and Robert H. Lavenda.
1   Cultural atlas of Islam
1   Cultural awareness / Barry Tomalin and Susan Stempleski
2   Cultural China
1   Cultural competence in process and practice building bridges / Juliet C. Rothman
1   Cultural contestations: mediating identities in a changing Malaysian society
1   The cultural dimension of international business / Gary P. Ferraro.
1   Cultural diversity and learning efficiency
1   Cultural intelligence [e-book] a guide to working with people from other cultures / Brooks Peterson
1   Cultural materialism: the struggle for a science for culture
1   Cultural psychology

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