You searched Library Catalogue - Title: Introduction to information systems enabling and transforming business / R. Kelly Rainer and Efraim Turban
Bib Hit Count Scan Term
1   Introduction to globalisation and its impacts
1   Introduction to Google Apps : personal apps / Michael Miller.
1   An introduction to health psychology/ Val Morrison and Paul Bennett.
1   Introduction to hospitality
1   Introduction to hospitality / John R. Walker.
1   Introduction to hospitality management
1   Introduction to hospitality management / John R.Walker.
1   An introduction to human-computer interaction (psychology revivals).
1   An introduction to human geography issues for the 21st century / Peter Daniels ... [et al.](eds)
1   Introduction to human resource management : a guide to HR in practice / Charles Leatherbarrow, Janet Fletcher.
1   Introduction to human resource management in tourism and hospitality / Nurhazani Mohd Shariff.
1   An introduction to human services / Marianne Woodside, Tricia McClam.
1   An introduction to human services policy and practice / Betty Reid Mandell, Barbara Schram.
1   Introduction to industrial organizational psychology / Ronald E. Riggio
1   Introduction to industrial / organizational psychology / Ronald E. Riggio

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