You searched Library Catalogue - Title: ChemOffice: using ChemOffice with Brown: organic chemistry; Saunders organic chemistry survival kit [3 3.5" diskettes]
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2   Child development and education / Teresa M. McDevitt and Jeanne Ellis Ormrod
1   Child development early stages through age 12 / Celia Anita Decker
1   Child development understanding a cultural perspective / Martin J. Packer.
1   Child, family, school, community socialization and support / Roberta M. Berns
1   Child, family, school, community socialization and support/ Roberta M. Berns.
1   Child, family, school, community socialization and support / Roberta M Berns.
1   Child observation a guide for students of early childhood / Ioanna Palaiologou.
1   Child of time
1   Child pornography / Stefan Kiesbye, book editor.
1   Child psychology a contemporary view point / Ross Parke and Mary Gauvain
1   Child psychology today
1   Childhood and adolescence voyages in development / Spencer A. Rathus
1   Children, adults, and shared responsibilities [e-book] Jewish, Christian and Muslim perspectives / Marcia J Bunge (ed.)
1   Children and communication: verbal and nonverbal language development
2   Children and their development / Robert V. Kail.

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