You searched Library Catalogue - Title: Intangible assets and value creation [e-book] / Juergen H. Daum
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1   Integrated language skills listening / Naginder Kaur.
1   Integrated language skills writing / Naginder Kaur and Noorazalia Izha Haron.
1   Integrated management / David Haris
1   Integrated marketing
2   Integrated marketing communications
1   Integrated marketing communications / William Chitty, Nigel Barker, Terence A. Shimp.
1   Integrated marketing communications / Yuslina Liza Mohd Yusof, Maria Gwenetha Ybanez Pusta, Intan Syafinaz Mat Shafie and Thanaseelen Rajasakran.
2   Integrated marketing communications in advertising and promotion / Terence A. Shimp
1   Integrated pest management concepts, tactics, strategies and case studies / Edward B. Radcliffe, William D. Hutchison and Rafael E. Cancelado (eds)
1   Integrated project management / Earl Hall with Juliane Johnson
1   Integrated reporting accounting mindset evolution in times of environmental and social change / Loo Choo Hong.
1   Integrated Reporting <IR> as a catalyst for companies to achieve United Nations sustainable development goals (UNSDG) a study among companies in Malaysia / Loo Choo Hong
1   Integrated values education an essential element of life long learning / Gajaraj Dhanarajan, Prof. Emeritus Tan Sri Dato'
1   Integrating computer technology in the classroom / Gary R. Morrison and Deborah L. Lowther
1   Integrating educational technology into teaching transforming learning across disciplines / M.D Roblyer and Joan E.Hughes

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