You searched Library Catalogue - Title: Penang, Malaysia: Wawasan Open University, 2021.
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1   Penang Monthly
1   Penang Monthly (formerly Penang Economic Monthly)
1   Penang Nyonya cuisine / Author: Madam Cheong Mui Ying; Editor: Christine Lee; Photographer: Eddie Chang.
1   Penang passion food and food tales from Penang / Tze in collaboration with Chefs Association, Malaysia ; supported by Tourism Penang.
1   Penang passion food and tales from Penang /c Chefs Association of Malaysia
1   Penang past and present 1786-1963 a historical account of the City of George Town since 1786 c City Council of George Town (Penang).
1   The Penang Po Leung Kuk: Chinese women, prostitution and a welfare organisation
1   Penang postcard collection 1899-1930s / Khoo Salma Nasution and Malcolm Wade
1   Penang postcard collection, 1899-1930s / Khoo Salma Nasution & Malcolm Wade.
1   Penang public forum on education)
1   Penang record 2015 / Kenny Ng, Eden Lai, Hean Kuan.
1   Penang Recycling guide book
1   Penang ropes in MPs, reps to spur uptake for new mental health course
1   Penang sketchbook / Chin Kon Yit
1   Penang Skills Development Centre signs MoU with Wawasan Open University [e-media]

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