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You searched Library Catalogue - Title: Tutors' reflections on online facilitation during movement control order in Malaysia A case study in an ODL institution / Ooi Li Hsien and Anna Christina Abdullah.
Call Number (WOU) SP MEd 2019 18
Author Tee, Jie Sheng
Title The causes of teachers’ turnover intention in Johor Bahru private preschool. / Tee Jie Sheng
Abstract Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore the causes of teachers’ turnover intentions in selected Johor Bahru private preschools. Research methodology: This paper took form of a qualitative research. Semi-structured interviews were used to achieve the aforementioned purpose. The sample was composed by 5 teachers that work respectively in three different preschools in Johor Bahru. In order to provide a diverse yet meaningful perspective, further interviews with respective preschool management have been conducted. Findings: Several of the results were coherent with the literature: elements such as motivations to teach, administrative support, workload, and child to teacher ratio were found to be related to teachers’ turnover intentions and therefore confirmed the previous studies by other scholars. However, factors such as compensation, autonomy, school environment and condition, and working hour were found unrelated to teachers’ turnover intentions in Johor Bahru therefore incoherent with previous literatures. Originality: This research had not been investigated yet in Malaysia. The Malaysia, Johor Bahru context appears particularly worth researching due to the widespread of turnover intentions of teachers in the city.
Notes Final project report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of Master of Education.
Publisher/Year Penang : School of Education, Languages and Communication, Wawasan Open University, 2019
Subject Education, preschool.
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