You searched Library Catalogue - Title: Strategy of composition: a rhetoric with readings
Bib Hit Count Scan Term
1   Strategies for including children with special needs in early childhood settings / Ruth E. Cook, Anne Marie Richardson-Gibbs and Laurie Nielson Dotson.
1   Strategies for managerial writing / Stephen H. Gale and Mark Garrison
1   Strategies for studying: a handbook of study skills for part-time students
1   Strategies for the green economy [e-book] opportunities and challenges in the new world of business / Joel Makower
1   Strategies into the 1990's: the masterplan guide to profitable sales and marketing development
1   The strategist become the leader your business needs / Cynthia A. Montgomery.
1   Strategize! experiential exercises in strategic management / C. Gopinath and Julie Siciliano
1   Strategy 2008-2009 / David J. Ketchen ... [et al.]
1   Strategy and management in Asia Pacific
1   Strategy and marketing: a case approach
1   The strategy and tactics of pricing a guide to growing more profitably / Thomas T. Nagle and Georg Muller.
1   Strategy: core concepts, analytical tools, reading
1   A strategy for higher education in the late 1980's and beyond / National Advisory Body for Local Authority Higher Education
1   Strategy formulation: analytical concepts
1   Strategy moves 14 complete attack and defense strategies for competitive advantage / Jorge A. De Vasconcellos e Sa

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