You searched Library Catalogue - Title: Sistem komputer dalam pengurusan perniagaan asas aplikasi pengkomputeran / Abdul Manaf Bohari and Mohd. Adan Omar
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1   Small business management: an entrepreneur's guidebook [CD ROM]
1   Small business management entrepreneurship and beyond / Timothy S. Hatten
1   Small business management fundamentals
1   Small business management launching and growing entrepreneurial ventures / Justin G. Longenecker, J. William Petty, Leslie E. Palich and Frank Hoy.
1   Small business Server 2008 installation, migration, and configuration - set up and run your small business server making it deliver big business impact / David Overton
3   The small business success guide
1   Small firms and economic growth
1   Small is beautiful: a study of economics as if people mattered
1   Small soldiers
1   Smart education and e-learning 2018 / Vladimir L. Uskov, Robert J. Howlett, Lakhmi C. Jain, Ljubo Vlacic, editors.
1   Smart financial planning for your retirement / B.C. Ghosh, Paul Chan and Lim Yuen Seong
1   Smart innovation, systems, and technologies
1   Smart money-user a pratical money book for todays's young adult lifestlyes / Carol Yip.
1   Smart retail how to turn your store into a sales phenomenon / Richard Hammond
1   Smart, simple design: using variety effectiveness to reduce total cost and maximize customer selection

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