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You searched Library Catalogue - Publisher: McGraw HillL,
Call Number (WOU) SP CEMBA 2016 76
Author Yusnoraiza Abdul Wahab @ Yusof
Title The study on the contribution of the working mothers towards socio economy. / Yusnoraiza Abdul Wahab @ Yusof
Abstract It is important to recognize that mothers in the workforce are not a homogeneous group of people, there is no typical type working mother anymore. The working mothers attitude toward their jobs and their decisions about their child care are shaped by a range of social and economic factors which include the marital status and the family structure, the type of work, the income level which mostly based depending on their performance in the work place, number and ages of the children by referring to their needs as well as the aging factor. Based on the survey conducted, we can see the trend where the working mothers ages more than 50 years old, tend to spend their time more with family, travelling but not really care about their children education as their children already grown up and have their own responsibilities. A working mother would be able to balance her responsibilities at home and work place, enjoy the stimulation that a job or the career provides. A working mother also develops the ability of raising a useful member of society and at the same time gains the financial independence when this working mother does not need to rely on the financial provided by their spouse. Along with the motherhood carried by the working mothers, work adds to the completeness of being a woman. Hence, the study on the contribution of the working mothers towards the socio-economy took place to show the significant impact towards the socio-economy factors. The study conducted by distributing the questionnaires to the randomly selected working mothers in various sectors of employment and various industries. The samples of 101 respondents among the population in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor were selected to answer the questionnaires. The method of collecting the data is via physical distribution of the questionnaires, using Survey Monkey by Google survey as well as observation from the posting at the social media, for example Facebook, Twitter, We Chat and Instagram. Positive feedback received from the respondents in answering and contributing to the survey. Based on the result of the survey, we can see the current trend of the working mother now in the challenging and competitive era. From all the contribution by the working mothers, it shows the positive result towards the impact of the socio-economy. Working mothers play important roles towards their family such as in terms of food preparation, spending weekend with the family members either go for shopping, watching movies or recreational activities, or travelling to distress. Not only towards the family, have the working mothers also played important roles in ensuring the ability in completing the assigned job in their organization that they work with. Education always be the top important factor for the working mothers to think of especially with regards to their children’s development. The study confirmed this as most of the working mothers will ensure their children is excel in the education as well as willing to send their children to additional class. The result also showed that more than a quarter of the respondents are having the interest to further their study to the higher level. Working mothers also willing to do other things such as small business or online business to generate extra income, and indirectly helping the spouse to in supporting the family. Not only that, there are number of working mothers also are the leaders in the organizations which in managing the departmental budget as well as ensuring the financial target is met. However, with regards to the contribution towards the society, the response neither positive nor negative. Nevertheless, the working mothers still attending any events invited by the neighborhood and involving to the occasion conducted in their area. There’s no positive response in terms of voluntarily offer help for any events happening in their area. The overall result anyway, really show the major contributions provided by the working mothers towards their family, organization, education, economic growth as well as community or the society.
Notes Final project report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Business Administration (CeMBA)
Publisher/Year Penang : School of Business and Administration, Wawasan Open University, 2016
Physical Description 1 online resource ( 65 pages) : illustrations, text file, PDF.
Subject Working mothers.
Subject Work and family.

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