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You searched Library Catalogue - Title: Fundamental tax legislation 2009 / R.L. Deutsch
Call Number (WOU) SP MEd 2015 9
Author Khaw, Yoke Yee
Title To what extend information and communication technology (ICT) assists in improving teaching and learning of english as second language (ESL) among form four and form five students in Penang / Khaw, Yoke Yee
Abstract This study aims to study on the importance of using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as an effective tool in improving the teaching and learning of ESL among the Form Four and Form Five students in Penang. The mixed-mode methodology is used in the study, which is quantitative survey and qualitative survey. The questionnaire is used in the quantitative study. The reliability of questionnaire is 0.80. Then, the method of observation is used in qualitative survey to support the findings of quantitative survey. The findings of quantitative survey have answered the main research question and 4 sub-research questions of the study. The findings of qualitative survey have supported the results of quantitative survey. The overall findings show that the importance of ICT as an effective tool in improving the teaching and learning in ESL. Based on the findings, several recommendations have been made to provide insight into the application of ICT in teaching and learning in ESL.
Notes Final project report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of Master of Education.
Publisher/Year Penang : School of Educations, Languages and Communications, Wawasan Open University, 2015.
Physical Description various pages.
Subject Technology -- TESL

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