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You searched Library Catalogue - Title: Managing the information technology resource: leadership in the information age / Jerry Luftman ; with Christine V. Bullen ... [et al.].
Call Number (WOU) SP CEMBA 2017 72
Author Vanessa Anita Pushpan
Title A study on the relevancy of flexible working for the IT Department of XYZ (M) Sdn Bhd / Vanessa Anita Pushpan
Abstract The topic selected by the researcher is to conduct a study on an electronics manufacturing organization that is based in an Industrial Estate in Johor Bahru, known in this research as XYZ (M) Sdn Bhd. This organization, ‘gets their business going’ with a heavy reliance on Information Communication Technology (ICT). In line with that, they have a large Information Technology (IT) department that oversees and supports all the ICT aspects of the company. The function of their IT department ranges extensively. It provides all the hardware and software support to the various other departments in the organization on a day-to-day basis, develops new ways of enhancing its business operations with the use of ICT and maintains the servers and various software applications. However, of late, the management has been facing various human resources issues with the IT Department. The issues faced range from absenteeism, high staff turnover and the inability to easily attract and hire new staff, for the main two types of designation in the IT department which is the position of the Onsite Support Specialist (OSS) the IT Specialist (ITS). These problems have been continuously recurring despite the management’s endeavors in trying out various methods and initiatives to turns things around but this has been without much success. This research therefore intended to investigate and explore if the flexible working approach option would be relevant to be applied to the IT Department as a measure to overcome these issues. Therefore, the study focused on the perceptions of the management team which comprised of the heads of department, the employees from the IT Department as well as a few employees from the other departments in the organisation, to gauge their opinions on the relevancy of flexible working. Factors contributing to its implementation was explored to investigate the relationship between the factors and flexible working. A survey was carried out with questionnaires which was followed by a group face to face interview with a small sample of the respondents who had already participated in the survey. The respondents provided their feedback based on their understanding and perceptions of flexible working. During the interview sessions, the respondents were also given the freedom to express their opinions and concerns on the implementation of flexible working in their department. All the results from the survey as well as the data collected, were collated and analysed to proceed with the summary of findings, conclusion as well as recommendations on the relevancy of implementing the flexible working option for the IT Department of XYZ (M) Sdn Bhd. The results indicated that the implementation of flexible working would cause a significant impact on the employees in the IT Department of XYZ (M) Sdn Bhd, if implemented. It also was concluded that there is a high positive correlation between flexible working and the advances in technology, work behaviour improvement, work life balance, gaining a competitive advantage as well as to respond to the economic changes. Two flexible work options were recommended for implementation at the company which is telecommuting (flexplace) and flexible hours of work. Through this study, opinions, suggestions as well as feedbacks were discussed to enhance the effectiveness of this new option for the IT Department of XYZ (M) Sdn Bhd.
Notes Final project report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Business Administration (CeMBA)
Publisher/Year Penang : School of Business and Administration, Wawasan Open University, 2017
Subject Information technology.

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