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Record 1 of 1
You searched Library Catalogue - Publisher: MPH Group Publishing,
Author Choong, Desmond
Title Investor's guide to Malaysia unit trusts / Desmond Choong
Edition 2nd ed.
Imprint Kuala Lumpur : Sage information services, 2001
Items 1 - 4 / 4
  Location Call Number Copy Barcode Status

1 HQ Library-General Collection HG4530 C545 2001 1 0000002357 Weeded
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2 RCIpoh-General Collection HG4530 C545 2001 1 0000003113 Weeded
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3 RCJB-General Collection HG4530 C545 2001 1 0000003114 Available
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4 RCKL-General Collection HG4530 C545 2001 1 0000003115 Weeded
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