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Author Vik, Peter
Title Regression, ANOVA, and the general linear model : a statistics primer / Peter Vik, Idaho State University.
Publisher/Year Los Angeles : SAGE, 2014.
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Author O'Leary, Zina.
Title The essential guide to doing your research project / Zina O'Leary.
Publisher/Year Los Angeles : SAGE, 2014.
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Author Nishishiba, Masami
Title Research methods and statistics for public and nonprofit administrators : a practical guide / Masami Nishishiba, Matthew Jones,, Mariah Kraner, Portland State University.
Publisher/Year Los Angeles : SAGE, 2014.
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Author Fowler, Floyd J.
Title Survey research methods / Floyd J. Fowler, Jr., Center for Survey Research, University of Massachusetts, Boston.
Publisher/Year Los Angeles : SAGE, 2014.
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Author Crandall, William,
Title Crisis management : leading in the new strategy landscape / William Rick Crandall, John A. Parnell, John E. Spillan.
Publisher/Year Los Angeles: SAGE, 2014.
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