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You searched Library Catalogue - Title: Success with people a complete system for effectively managing people in any organization / David Russell
Call Number (WOU) SP CEMBA 2020 11
Author Tham, Lian Fung
Title The determinants influencing consumer negative behavioral intention towards organic food: a case study within Klang Valley/ Tham Lian Fung.
Abstract There were numerous literatures done on factors influencing consumer positive purchase intention towards organic food products. However, till to date Malaysia organic food market is still relatively young; less than 30% consumers who buys organic food.
Notes Final project report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Business Administration (CEMBA).
Publisher/Year Penang : School of Business and Administration, Wawasan Open University, 2020.
Physical Description 1 online resource (89 pages) : illustrations, text file, PDF.
Subject Natural foods.

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