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You searched Library Catalogue - Title: Introduction to Malaysian taxation / Lee Teck Heang, Tan Hoon Hong, Ng Chee Kean and Yeo Liu Choo.
Call Number (WOU) SP MEd 2015 14
Author Avneet Kaur Bhullar Authar Singh
Title The perceptions of students towards learning management system (LMS) / Avneet Kaur Bhullar Authar Singh
Abstract Learning Management System (LMS) has been demonstrated to urge a useful methodology to information securing and help dynamic learning. One of the keys to effective and productive utilization of LMS is the way the students embrace and see this learning device. The present exploration is in this manner persuaded by the imperativeness of comprehension of students’ view of LMS to foresee conceivable issues and help to construct a beneficial learning environment. The paper takes a gander at this procedure at a private school in Perak where the LMS is suggested to be implemented and the accompanying issues studied. The research uncovers noteworthy difference of learners’ view of different parts of LMS which must be considered when raising the viability of the framework and building responsibility to e-learning. The perceptions of students are investigated and studied in the research paper.
Notes Final project report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of Master of Education.
Publisher/Year Penang : School of Educations, Languages and Communications, Wawasan Open University, 2015.
Physical Description various pages.
Subject Technology -- LMS

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