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You searched Library Catalogue - Author: Munro-Faure, Lesley
Call Number (WOU) SP CEMBA 2011 51
Author Arumugam, Uvarajan
Title A study on the internet shopping behavior in Malaysia : the laptop user perspective / Uvarajan A/L Arumugam
Abstract The ever increasing use of the Internet in Malaysia provides a developing prospect for online laptop stores or e-marketers. Such online laptop computer stores awareness of the factors affecting Malaysian buyers attitudes can further develop their marketing strategies in converting potential customers into active ones, while maintain their existent online customers. This study sets out to examine the factors influencing Malaysian online shopper through a five level Likert scale self-administered questionnaire, which was developed based on a theoretical framework derived from prior literature (Ali Khatibi, 2006). The framework addressed factors related to the internet shopper’s opinion around pricing, variety, convenience, post sales support; the internet shopper’s purchasing habits around frequency of purchase, mode of purchases; and finally the shopper’s issues and concerns around transaction security and consumer protection laws.. Due to time and cost constraint, 100 internet users were randomly invited via a free online survey tool at 80 responded satisfactorily. The data for this preliminary cross sectional study was subsequently analyzed utilizing SPSS Version 15 tool. Frequency distribution, mean value analysis, Cronbach’s Alpha test and Pearson’s correlation coefficient analysis was done. The findings of this preliminary study indicate a significant correlation between the “opinion” of the Malaysian Internet shopper and their tendency to purchase a laptop computer oline, as opposed to their purchasing habits or their issues or concerns around transaction security and consumer protection laws. The results indicates that convenience, price, variety, product research ability and post sales service influenced the Malaysia Internet shopper’s attitudes toward online shopping and hence their tendency to purchase laptop computer online. Therefore, the online laptop computer store should emphasize a more user friendly function in order to attract the Malaysian Internet shopper and provide a way to find what they need efficiently.
Notes Final project report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Business Administration (CeMBA)
Publisher/Year Penang : School of Business and Administration, Wawasan Open University, 2011
Physical Description 63 p.; 30 cm.
Subject Wawasan Open University -- Dissertations
Subject Teleshopping -- Malaysia

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