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Number Available: 1
Available At: Disted Main Library
Author Locker, Kitty O.
Title Business and administrative communication / Kitty O. Locker, The Ohio State University, Jo Mackiewicz, Iowa State University, Jeanine Elise Aune, Iowa State University and Donna S. Kienzler, Iowa State University.
Publisher/Year New York : McGraw-Hil Education, 2019.
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Number Available: 1
Available At: Disted Main Library
Author Locker, Kitty O.
Title Business communication : building critical skills / Kitty O. Locker, Stephen Kyo Kaczmarek.
Publisher/Year New York : McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2014.
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Number Available: 0
Author Locker, Kitty O.
Title Business and administrative communication / Kitty O. Locker and Donna S. Kienzler
Publisher/Year New York : McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2010
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Number Available: 2
Available At: RCJB-General Collection, RCKC-General Collection
Author Locker, Kitty O
Title Business and administrative communication / Kitty O. Locker and Donna S. Kienzler
Publisher/Year Boston : McGraw-Hill, 2008
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Barnes & Noble

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Number Available: 2
Available At: Disted Main Library
Author Locker, Kitty O.
Title Business and administrative communication [CD-ROM]
Publisher/Year Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2003
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