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SP CEMBA 2011 71
Choo, Liang Fee
Factors that influencing customer loyalty from guest's perspective : a study of Malacca's ABC hotel / Choo Liang Fee
This project studies the relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty
from the customer perspective for ABC hotel, a local independent hotel located in
Melaka. Six attributes which enhance customer satisfaction namely value of money,
cleanliness, reception, customer service, facilities and food & beverage are identified
from the past studies and being tested towards the customer loyalty. The study
comprises three main objectives. First, identify the important attributes that enhance
customer satisfaction. Second, correlate the relationship of customer satisfaction and
customer loyalty. Last, identify the determinant factors that help to enhance customer
satisfaction and yet lead to customer loyalty. Questionnaire survey form is the method
used in the study. Sixty sets of survey form are collected from the survey conducted in
ABC hotel. Simple regression and multi regression analyses are the methodologies used
to identify the important attributes and determinant attribute. From the analysis, four
elements from two attributes, cleanliness and value of money are classified as important
attributes. These elements are subsequently tested with multi regression analysis. The
element of “value received” from value of money is the only element showing
significant in the analysis. Hence, value of money is finalised as the determinant
attribute for ABC hotel. The implication of the findings reveals that value of money is
critical in retaining existing hotel guests. In order to make the guests recommend ABC
hotel to others, value of money is the only determinant attribute must be fulfilled by
hotel. However, cleanliness is the important attribute besides value of money. This
implies that cleanliness is the basic needs for customer satisfaction. On top of that, ABC
should not ignore the importance of other attributes like reception, facilities and food &
beverage as these attributes show positive relationship towards customer loyalty
Final project report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Business Administration (CeMBA)
Penang : School of Business and Administration, Wawasan Open University, 2011
Physical Description
73 p.; 30 cm.
Wawasan Open University -- Dissertations
Consumer satisfaction -- Malaysia
Consumer loyalty -- Malaysia