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You searched Library Catalogue - Title: Sociology in a changing world / William Kornblum and Carolyn D. Smith
Call Number (WOU) SP CEMBA 2017 5
Author Chaw, Sok Hui
Title Study the factors that influence the success of outsourcing Information Technology (IT) Department in multinational companies / Chaw Sok Hui.
Abstract Organisation have always sought ways to gain a competitive advantage over their competitors by improving their competitive position in the new business environment by increasing the role of outsourcing in their operation to provide them a competitive advantage and heightened performance. However, outsourcing is a complex process and improper strategy pathway can create formidable barriers against the organisation performance. The research findings point to three objectives: (1) to identify the major factors that influence the multinational companies’ decision to outsource the IT department, (2) to determine the factors that influence the success of outsourcing IT department and (3) to study how likely the success factors of the outsourcing IT department decision. This research thesis used questionnaire with five Likert scale to assess the success factors that influence the outsourcing. 350 respondents representing the multinational companies in Kuala Lumpur were involved in this case study. The sample size was significant enough to be used for carry out a thesis study. The data collected is used to analyses the hypothesis by using the statistical tools such as ANOVA and t tests for the qualitative analysis. The study evaluated three hypotheses that the success factors associated with outsourcing were evaluated. Types of outsourcing adoption, communication and job insecurity were positively correlated to the organisation performance via outsourcing. The study recommends that the management should take into account the variables considered since the results shows that there is significant relationship between the predictor types of outsourcing adoption, communication and job insecurity and organisation performance in multinational companies. The study therefore was purposed to establish the success factors of outsourcing information technology in multinational companies. The findings from the thesis research give a view of outsourcing, major factors that influence the outsourcing, and the success factors of outsourcing. The research established a range of recommendation about the outsourcing and the implications. This thesis concludes with summary and conclusion of findings, implication of the study and a series of suggestion areas for future studies.
Notes Final project report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Business Administration (CeMBA).
Publisher/Year Penang : School of Business and Administration, Wawasan Open University, 2017.
Subject Information technology

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