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You searched Library Catalogue - Title: China in our time : the epic saga of the People’s Republic from the Communist victory to Tiananmen Square and beyond / Ross Terrill
Call Number (WOU) SP CEMBA 2013 32
Author Yam, Chon Wah
Title The adoption of online shopping among the FMCG consumers in Malaysia / Yam Chon Wah
Abstract This study is a quantitative research study by using cross sectional as a research design whereby deductive theory approach is chosen to conduct the research. The main purpose of this study is to examine the influence factor that are affect the adoption of online shopping among the FMCG’s consumers in Malaysia, what are the key influence factor toward of successful adoption of online shopping. Frequency analysis is used in this study is to identify the demographic profile of respondents as well as the online shopping consumer behavior. Besides that, descriptive statistical is also used in this study is to the identify the mean score value for “strongly agree” with score of 5 point or “strongly disagree” with score of 1 point as well as “yes” with score of 1 or “no” with score of 2. The reliability coefficient is used in the study is to evaulate the reliability of all the influence factor which is Internet marketing environment, product characteristic, familiarity and confidence as well as promotion offer. The Cronbach’s Alpha revealed that the entire influence factors is more than 0.7. In addition, Independent-sample t-test is chosen as statistical hypothesis test for the study. Findings of independent-sample t-test revealed that the p (2-tailed) > 0.05 and there is no significant difference mean score compare within the group adopters and non-adopters online shopping in their all four influence factors. As conclusion, papers and magazines as well as food and drink are the most popular FMCG’s product through purchase online among the respondents. Another conclusion, Internet marketing environment, product characteristic, familiarity and confidence as well as promotion offer are the factors to determinate the adoption of online shopping among the FMCG consumers in Malaysia. It is very important because through understanding the influence factors are enabling to understand the online consumer needs when purchasing. In addition, influence factors are enabling to category the product through differentiation product that can sell through online. At last, in sustaining their electronic commerce business through selling FMCG’s product, differentiation product can be use and this because of the competitive advantage strategy is implemented to compete with other rivalries.
Notes Final project report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Business Administration (CeMBA)
Publisher/Year Penang : School of Business and Administration, Wawasan Open University, 2013
Physical Description 102 p.; 30 cm.
Subject Wawasan Open University -- Dissertations
Subject Retail trade
Subject Online shopping

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