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You searched Library Catalogue - Subject: Engineering mathematics
Call Number (WOU) SP CEMBA 2015 57
Author Mohamad Izham bin Che Ros
Title Investigating the determinants of major it incident tickets : a case study of an IT service provider firm / Mohamad Izham bin Che Ros.
Abstract This paper is aimed to study the determinant factors affecting the number of Major IT Incident tickets within an IT Service Provider Firm. The study helps the company to seek opportunities to run lean through identifying the determinant factors and get the recommendations on reducing the number of Major IT Incident tickets. Literature reading helps to identify the commonly known factor determinants. The identified determinants which later translated into the independent variables for this research are IT Change, User Errors, Shipment Volume, Network Issues, Hardware Issues and Software/Application Issues. Based on the identified determinant factors, all related data were obtained from the Global Service Now ticketing system. However, Shipment Volume has been dropped from this research due to an issue in obtaining the suitable data to match the method this research is being carried out. A short survey supporting the research questions are also developed, mainly to capture the perceived ideas on IT Change as a determinant to Major IT Incident tickets number. The survey results show that IT Change is perceived as the main factor to Major IT Incident ticket number by the majority of the respondents. However, the actual data analysis indicated that IT Change is not a significant determinant factor of Major IT Incident tickets number. All the other identified independent variables are the key factors that affect the Major IT Incident tickets number. Strategic recommendations to help both ABCD and XYZ to run lean are written after findings consolidations. All the identified determinant factors shall be treated equally important as each correlates equally to each other. IT Change is also identified as the Major IT Incident ticket control agent. Thus improving the way IT Changes are carried out and implemented will definitely help to reduce the number of Major IT Incident tickets. The entire research project that began in July 2015 completed in about four months after commencement.
Notes Final project report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Business Administration (CeMBA)
Publisher/Year Penang : School of Business and Administration, Wawasan Open University, 2015
Subject IT provider firm.

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