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You searched Library Catalogue - Title: Environmental analysis units and strategic decision-making: a field study to selected 'Leading-edge' Corporations
Author Lemme, Barbara Hansen author.
Title Development in adulthood / Barbara Hansen Lemme
Edition 4th ed.
Imprint Boston : Pearson/A&B, 2006
Description xiv, 562 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
Extended Info Summary
Table of Contents
Barnes & Noble
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Items 1 - 10 / 20
  Location Call Number Copy Barcode Status

1 HQ Library-General Collection BF724.5 L544 2006 1 0000016235 Weeded
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2 HQ Library-General Collection BF724.5 L544 2006 2 0000016236 Weeded
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3 HQ Library-General Collection BF724.5 L544 2006 3 0000016237 Weeded
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4 HQ Library-General Collection BF724.5 L544 2006 4 0000016238 Weeded
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5 RCIpoh-General Collection BF724.5 L544 2006 1 0000016239 Available
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6 RCIpoh-General Collection BF724.5 L544 2006 2 0000016240 Available
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7 RCIpoh-General Collection BF724.5 L544 2006 3 0000016241 Available
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8 RCJB-General Collection BF724.5 L544 2006 1 0000016242 Available
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9 RCJB-General Collection BF724.5 L544 2006 2 0000016243 Available
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10 RCJB-General Collection BF724.5 L544 2006 3 0000016244 Available
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