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Author Sloman, John
Title Essentials of economics / John Sloman, Dean Garratt.
Publisher/Year Harlow, England: Prentice Hall/Financial Times, 2010.
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Author Sloman, John
Title Economics / John Sloman and Alison Wride
Publisher/Year Harlow, England,: Pearson Education, 2009
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Number Available: 3
Available At: HQ Library-General Collection, RCJB-General Collection, RCKC-General Collection
Author Sloman, John
Title Economics and the business environment / John Sloman.
Publisher/Year Essex, England Pearson 2008
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Number Available: 0
Author Sloman, John
Title Economics for business / John Sloman and Kevin Hinde
Publisher/Year Harlow, England: Financial Time/Prentice Hall , 2007
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Author Sloman, John
Title Principles of economics / John Sloman, Keith Norris
Publisher/Year Frenchs Forest, N.S.W.: Pearson Education Australia, 2005
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