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SP CEMBA 2018 99
Kew, Siang Kai
The study on marketing domestic tourism in Malaysia through the medium of mobile apps. / Kew Siang Kai.
Nowdays, smartphone is changing people lifestyle including the travel behavior, and Malaysia tourism industry is affected by the rapid growth of mobile technology in various ways. Therefore, this research aimed to focus study on the relationship of the smartphone mobile apps with the domestic tourism in Malaysia in term of marketing. This study helps to reduce the knowledge gap between the mobile apps with Malaysia domestic tourism, in term of the social media, online booking accommodation and navigation of the mobile apps.
This research is quantitative research with cross-sectional design and using primary data collection method by distributed physical paper questionnaire and online questionnaire. Continue by statistical data analysis including the descriptive analysis, factor analysis, correlation measurement, ANOVA and regression analysis.
The research finding showed that the information in social media has not significant relationship with the domestic tourism in Malaysia. However the attractiveness in social media; price, feedback and comparability in online booking accommodation; convenience and direction (location) in mobile apps navigation have positive significant relationship to the domestic tourism in Malaysia.
Final project report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Business Administration (CeMBA).
Penang : School of Business and Administration, Wawasan Open University, 2018.
Tourism industry -- Malaysia.