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You searched Library Catalogue - Title: 200 fish & shellfish recipes / Culinary Arts Institute.
Call Number (WOU) SP CEMBA 2014 46
Author Syed Zin Bin Syed Agil Alsagoff
Title Study the effectiveness of training in company SZA Sdn. Bhd / Syed Zin Bin Syed Agil Alsagoff
Abstract The aim of this research is to study the effectiveness of training conducted by a small medium enterprise which manufactures food, Company SZA Sdn. Bhd. The survey is conducted using questionnaire, and the objectives are to determine if there is any positive relationship between training and the outcomes such as knowledge and skills acquisition of the employees, the loyalty and motivation of the employees, the productivity and the performance of the employees, as well as to provide effective information to the company with regards to improving its training programmes. The respondents of the survey consist of the employees of the company coming from all departments from the rank and file.160 employees were selected out of 200 employees and questionnaires were distributed. Results were analysed using IBM SPSS 22 to determine the mean, mode, median and standard deviations. Reliability and hypothesis testing were also performed. From the analysis it was found that skills and knowledge acquisition were most impacted by training. This was followed by the improved performance of the employee, then the productivity of the employee and lastly the motivation and loyalty of the employee. It was also found that there is no significant difference between training attendance and the training outcomes to test effectiveness. The overall Cronbach’s alpha was 0.89 which is within the high range. Based on the findings, Company SZA Sdn. Bhd. is recommended to broaden and diversify the types of training programmes offered and not to train only for the immediate specific needs of the jobs within the company. In this regard the company is required to send its staff for cross-functional training courses, and for Quality Circle training to improve productivity. It is recommended that the company offers its supervisors and middle management staff training courses on cross-cultural management and interpersonal relationship to improve leadership within the establishment. In addition the company is to implement a proper remuneration system to reward skilful and knowledgeable staff in the form of performance bonus so as to motivate and retain skilled and talented staff in the company. This is in addition to instituting a staff suggestion scheme to solicit ideas on improvement for the company. It is also proposed that the company introduce induction training for all new recruits to orientate them and immerse them in the company’s culture so as to instil loyalty among employees. Finally it is suggested that the company performs a training audit to assess its training requirements in order to remain competitive.
Notes Final project report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Business Administration (CeMBA).
Publisher/Year Penang : School of Business and Administration, Wawasan Open University, 2014.
Subject Staff training

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