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Call Number (WOU) SP CEMBA 2018 11
Author Dee, Chang Gin
Title Factors that influence the effectiveness of internship programs in Keysight Technologies and Agilent Technologies in Penang: students’ perspective / Dee Chang Gin.
Abstract Internship, as explained by Yahya et al (2009) from University of Malaya, has become an essential component of the undergraduate program. It provides students a smooth transition from academic institution to the working environment. It is always seen as a win-win situation for both the interns and the employers because students are able to reflect what they have learned and employer benefit from internships as a source for future talent. However, it is always questionable whether the effectiveness of internship is actually achieved and what are the main driving determinants or factors. The primary objective of this research is to answer the problem statement of “More and more students from education institution are participating in internship programs either voluntarily or required as part of the academic requirement, but are those internship programs actually bringing maximum benefit to the students is yet debatable.” by examine the relationship between several determinants or factors with the effectiveness of internship program from the students’ perspective and with special interest in two multinational corporation (MNC), Keysight Technologies and Agilent Technologies in Penang, Malaysia. Total eight factors (academic preparedness, positive attitude, self-initiative, challenging job, effectiveness of supervision, task role clarity, autonomy and compensation) were planned at the beginning stage but two of them (positive attitude and compensation) were removed after the pilot test with the reasons stated in the later part of this research. The driving factors or determinants of the effectiveness of internships was extract from the understanding of two Learning Theories, Social Learning Theory by Vygotsky (1978) and Cognitive Learning by Collins et al (1987); and through extensive literature review. The study involved quantitative analysis which were aimed at answering the research questions framed in this research paper. Several statistical analyses were performed and comparisons were made between different group of data to reveal the impact and weightage of those driving factors. Data analysis in this research have shown that overall there were positive relationship between those determinants or factors and the effectiveness of internship programs; however, certain factor might not be so applicable to certain organization. Finding of the research showed that factor autonomy was totally not applicable for Agilent and its correlation was very weak for Keysight too. Finally, it was clear that the main contributor of all the factors was “effectiveness of supervision”. Some limitation and recommendation were discussed at the end of the research.
Notes Final project report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Business Administration (CeMBA).
Publisher/Year Penang : School of Business and Administration, Wawasan Open University, 2018.
Subject Internship programs.

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