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SP CEMBA 2011 77
Ng, Vicky
The relationship of director remuneration and performance of Malaysian government linked companies (GLCS) / Ng Vicky
GLCs are the main pillars of national economics. It is the national interest to find
out whether the GLCs directors have strived to achieve outstanding corporate
performance. Are they overpaid during recession when company performance is
low or are they underpaid and hence lack of motivation to thrive for better
profitability and value creation for shareholders?
In this study, a model is setup to examine the research objectives which are to
examine the relationship of the director’s remuneration and corporate
performance through three financial measures (return on equity, dividend payout
ratio, earning per share) and company size which is represented by total asset and
market capitalization. The analysis also examines the impact of the GLC
transformations program which of the purposes of bolstering shareholder value
through improve financial and operation result and deliver maximum benefits to
stakeholders, improve procurement processes and embrace corporate social
responsibility launched since 2005.
Total 17 GLCs out of G-20 are selected for this study based on criteria stipulated.
The data collected were then subjected to a series of statistical analyses include
descriptive statistics, factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis and
multiple regression. Analysis results indicated that the director’s remuneration is
significantly correlated to the company’s earnings per share, total assets and
market capitalization in lagged period of one and two financial years. Market
capitalization has the highest impact to the remuneration at lagged one year
whereas market capitalization and earning per share have similar impact to the
remuneration at lagged two years. In this study, limitations of the investigation
and recommendation for future research were also presented.
Final project report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Business Administration (CeMBA)
Penang : School of Business and Administration, Wawasan Open University, 2011
Physical Description
91 p.; 30 cm.
Wawasan Open University -- Dissertations
Government business enterprises -- Malaysia