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You searched Library Catalogue - Title: Tropical interludes: European life and society in South-East Asia

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Number Available: 2
Available At: RCIpoh-General Collection, RCJB-General Collection
Author Van de Walle, John A
Title Elementary and middle school Mathematics : teaching developmentally / John A. Van de Walle, Karen S. Karp and Jennifer M. Bay-Williams
Publisher/Year Boston : Allyn & Bacon, 2010
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Number Available: 11
Available At: Disted Main Library, HQ Library-General Collection, RCJB-General Collection, RCKC-General Collection
Author Razik, Taher A.
Title Fundamental concepts of educational leadership and management / Taher A. Razik, Austin D. Swanson.
Publisher/Year Boston : Allyn & Bacon, 2010
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Number Available: 3
Available At: RCIpoh-General Collection, RCJB-General Collection, RCKC-General Collection
Author Morales, Armando T
Title Social work : a profession of many faces / Armando T. Morales, Bradford W. Sheafor and Malcolm E. Scott
Publisher/Year Boston : Allyn & Bacon, 2010
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Number Available: 6
Available At: HQ Library-General Collection, RCJB-General Collection, RCKC-General Collection
Author Berk, Laura E
Title Development through the lifespan / Laura E. Berk
Publisher/Year Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 2010
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Number Available: 4
Available At: RCJB-General Collection, RCKC-General Collection
Author Bee, Helen
Title The developing child / : Helen Bee and Denise Boyd
Publisher/Year Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 2010
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