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Title Teachers discovering computers : integrating technology and digital media in the classroom / Gary B. Shelly ... [et al.]
Publisher/Year Boston, Mass. : Thomson/Course Technology, 2008
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Available At: Disted Main Library, HQ Library-Audio-visual/Multimedia, HQ Library-General Collection, RCJB-General Collection
Author Stair, Ralph M
Title Principles of information systems : a managerial approach / Ralph M. Stair and George W. Reynolds
Publisher/Year Boston, Mass. : Thomson/Course Technology, 2008
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Author White, Curt M.
Title Data communications and computer networks : a business user's approach / Curt M. White
Publisher/Year Australia: Thomson/Course Technology, 2007

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Available At: Disted Main Library
Author White, Curt M.
Title Data communications and computer networks: : a business user's approach
Publisher/Year Australia: Thomson/Course Technology, 2007
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Author Shelly, Gary B
Title Discovering computers 2007 : a gateway to information (complete) / Gary B. Shelly, Thomas J. Cashman and Misty E. Vermaat
Publisher/Year Boston : Thomson/Course Technology, 2007
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