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You searched Library Catalogue - Title: Marketing channels / Anne T. Coughlan...[et al.]
Call Number (WOU) SP CEMBA 2018 69
Author Chew, Leong Aik
Title The impact of fluctuation in US Dollar exchange rate on paper industry companies in Malaysia for year 2013 to year 2017. / Chew Leong Aik.
Abstract The study will look specifically for Business Category of Companies 'in Paper Industry in Malaysia context. There are many types of paper manufacturer industry in Malaysia, such as Paper Cup Manufacturer, ,A.4 Size Paper Manufacturer, Tissue Paper Manufacturer, Paper Carton Box Manufacturer, Paper Bag Manufacturer, Gift Wrapper Paper Manufacturer and Thermal Paper, Non Carbon Paper and Woodfree Convertor. In this study, the Paper Industry Companies in this project will only cover scope of companies dealing with Thermal (TR) Paper, Non Carbon Required (NCR) Paper and Woodfree (WF) Paper Convertor Companies. Upon import the Jumbo Roll Paper, this Paper Industry Companies will do printing and converting process into various Finished Goods in rolls and in foid forms. For Thermal and Woodfree Paper which provide imaging papers and office consumables and printing of paper rolls such as Receipt Roll, ATM rolls, Utility bills, Kiosk receipts, Hand Held Terminal receipts, Entrance Tickets, Gaming & Lottery tickets, Parking receipts, Medical Chart Paper, Publif Transportation tickets, Toll receipts, Plan Printing rolls, Courier Consignment Notes, Telex rolls, Computer Forms, etc. For the NCR Paper , we provide Receipts Rolls with multiply, Mutilply Computer Forms, Payslips, Dockets, etc.
Notes Final project report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Business Administration (CeMBA).
Publisher/Year Penang : School of Business and Administration, Wawasan Open University, 2018.
Subject Paper industry -- Malaysia.

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