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You searched Library Catalogue - Subject: Social media Political aspects.
Call Number (WOU) SP CEMBA 2018 88
Author Loh, Shiau Ting
Title A study on transformational leadership towards organization commitment of private sector employee in Penang. / Janice Loh Shiau Ting.
Abstract Private sector has been the leading forefront in Penang industries. Good leadership ensures the organization strive for higher and better performance. The objective of this study is to study the dimensions of transformational leadership and the respective employees’ commitment. Within the context of transformational leadership theory, dimensions of influence, intellectual, individual consideration and motivation has been investigation within the context of empowered employees and the corresponding commitment. Data sampled from Private sectors in Penang were collected through convenience sampling, survey method within two months timeframe cross sectional study. A total of 101 employees were collected which represented 89% 115 survey sent out. Analytical statistical analysis at 5% significant level was conducted to assess the relationship between the independent variables of influence, intellectual, individual consideration and motivation towards organizational commitment and the intervening impact of empowerment on leadership dimensions. Empirical evidence showed that each of the transformational leadership dimensions of influence, intellectual, individual consideration and motivation positively affects the level of organizational commitment. The motivational aspect is partially intervened by empowerment on organizational commitment as well. This provides a statistical managerial framework where managers in private sector should continue to leverage influence as soft skills, engage in intellectual conversation, shows empathy towards employees and continue to motivate employees as means to attain higher level of commitment. The level of empowerment should also be emphasized as means to increase motivational impact on organizational commitment. While the study has also supported the transformational leadership theory, it is not without limitation. Interpretation of the result is limited to Penang private industries due to time limitation. Future study should further refine the measurement scales and expand the sampling plan throughout Malaysia. The study has also provided support to the business problem and met the research objectives. In essence, this study has provided empirical evidence on using the right approach of transformational leadership in Penang private sector increases organizational commitment which is important in current challenging workforce to achieve productivity.
Notes Final project report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Business Administration (CeMBA).
Publisher/Year Penang : School of Business and Administration, Wawasan Open University, 2018.
Subject Private sector -- Malaysia.

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