You searched Library Catalogue - Title: impact of gender differences on the conflict management styles of managers in Bangladesh : an analysis / Khair Jahan Sogra.
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1   The impact of gender differences on the conflict management styles of managers in Bangladesh : an analysis / Khair Jahan Sogra.
1   The impact of GST on accounting / consultant reviewer, Tan Thai Soon.
1   The impact of human resource management (HRM) practices of employee retention: job satisfaction as mediator in Malaysia's information technology (IT) industry / E Swee Yong.
1   The impact of human resources management practises on security guards turnover / Panniruky Perumal
1   The impact of Internet of Things (IoT) to retail business. / Ong Chung Siang.
1   The impact of job satisfaction towards turnover intention in pharmaceutical sales organization / Sim Lee Sun
1   The impact of job satisfaction towards turnover intention in pharmaceutical sales organization / R Mohan Dass a/l Raman@K K Raghavan
1   The impact of leadership styles on employee turnover in manufacturing industry in Ipoh / Ng Mee Kuan
1   The impact of leadership towards employee performance and job retention a case study conducted at MTT Shipping Sdn Bhd. / Chai Chin Sze
1   Impact of leadership towards turnover and retention of electric and electronic industry in Penang / Tam Poh Kim
1   The impact of marketing mix on consumer purchase behavior (decision) for skin care products in Penang / Goon Siew Fong
1   The impact of marketing mixes on sales performance in GXP Hypermarket an analysis of sales decline in its operation in Sungai Petani, Kedah / Elangovan a/l Iyavoo
1   Impact of modernization on development and demographic behaviour: case studies in seven Third World countries
1   The impact of online advertising towards consumer purchasing behaviour in the food & beverage sector in Klang Valley. / Liew, Hon Lung.
1   The impact of project governance on employee engagement in project management / Khristy Paya Uvang Oyo

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