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You searched Library Catalogue - Title: Universal machine: a multimedia introduction to computing [CD-ROM]
Call Number (WOU) SP CEMBA 2016 7
Author Choo, Keang Chee
Title A study on quality system as antecedent between manufacturing capabilities and product excellence : an empirical assessment on Malaysian plastic moulding industry / Choo Keang Chee.
Abstract Excellence in product quality is one Total Quality Management tenets to meet and exceed customer expectations especially in manufacturing practices in Malaysia Small Medium Enterprises (SME). The quality system is seen as important mediating factor between manufacturing capabilities to deliver product excellence. This study focus on SME in Malaysia Plastic Molding Industry (PMI) on the quality system being the antecedent to product excellence.This research attempt to study the dimension of influence on the Manufacturing Capabilit and system which has significant impact on Product Excellence Quality. And to review how TQM intervenes the influence of these dimension factors towards Product Excellence Five dimensions are proposed to study their relationships for effective TQM. Quantitative Analysis was conducted for this research design; with cross-sectional approach consisting self-administered questionnaire. A total 51 of 100 respondents with diverse demographic profiles had responded to the study. The findings revealed that Customer Specification and Continuous Improvement out of five dimensions were dominantly influence at 5% significant level, the effectiveness of implementing TQM. Firstly, most significant Manufacturing capability observed Customer Specification. Product specification and requirement is crucial to determine Quality Excellence. Second factor is CIP Continuous Improvement which emphasize on process mapping and work standardization. This research study also present the application of Value Stream Analysis, current and future state of improvement. Lean Manufacturing practices and Capability for Plastic Molding Industry has proven to the effective and suitable to enable continuous improvement. In addition, a 2 step hierarchical regression analysis observed TQM mediate and intervening impact on the influence of Product Quality Excellence. The results of this research has implied that clearly defined Customer specifications and Continuous Improvement has significant influence over Product Excellence. Part are produced by PMI factory accordingly to requirement and Quality Standards. Morever, PMI factory managers focus on Continuous Improvement activities, will benefit the company in upholding Quality Excellence as well. It also answered to the research question which intended to investigate element to establish a Product Excellence structure. The results from multiple regression indicated that Customer Specificaitons and Continuous Improvement were signification predictors. This provides a managerial predictive frame at Customer Specification , R 2 valued at 0.413 and Continuous Improvement R 2 valued at 0.533. It also answered to the research questions which intended to investigate element to establish a Product Excellence structure. Nevertheless, this study is not without limitation as the scope of research study only on Northern Malaysia and limited other location. Also, it was hindered by smaller sample size survey data and accuracy which derive ambiguity selection of determinant factor. Pre-fix assumption of Lean Manufacturing practices which might carry heavy impact to Quality Excellence, data shown non-relationship. Future research could further delve into the practicality of common industrial system, human behaviours , commercial pricing, and internal cum external failure mode of Manufacturing practices which influence Product Quality Excellence. It could also expand the study second tier support industries to PMI. In summary , this research study has provided the answered to the main Research question of determine significant factors that affect TQM in Plastic Molding Industries and the effective mode of Production System/Manufacturing capabilities that derive superior quality output for PMI. It also meet the Research Objective to identify the dimension of influence which has impact on TQM towards meeting Product Excellence for PMI in SME/MNC context.
Notes Final project report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Business Administration (CeMBA)
Publisher/Year Penang : School of Business and Administration, Wawasan Open University, 2016
Physical Description 148 p.; 30 cm.
Subject Manufacturing
Subject Plastic moulding -- Industry

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